My Published Articles

Academic Journals

1. Torelli, C. J., Ahluwalia, R., Cheng, S., Olson, N., & Stoner, J. (in press). “Redefining Home: How Cultural Distinctiveness Affects the Malleability of In-Group Boundaries and Brand Preferences.” Journal of Consumer Research.

2. Hao, J., Li, D., Peng, L., Peng, S., Torelli, C. J., (in press). “Advancing our Understanding of Culture Mixing.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

3. Keh, H. T., Torelli, C. J., Hao, J., & Chiu, C. Y. (in press) “Integrative Responses to Cultural Mixing In Brand Name Translations: The Roles Of Product Self-Expressiveness And Self-Relevance Of Values On Brand Evaluations Among Bicultural Chinese Consumers.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

4. Gomez, P. & Torelli, C. J. (2015). “It’s not just numbers: Cultural identities influence how nutrition information influences the valuation of foods.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (July), 404-415.

5. Torelli, C. J., Shavitt, S., Cho, Y., Holbrook, A., Johnson, T. P., & Weiner, S. (2015). “Justice or Compassion? Cultural Differences in Power Norms Affect Consumer Satisfaction with Power-Holders.”   International Marketing Review, 32 (3/4), 279-306.

6. Torelli, C. J. & Stoner, J. (2015). “Managing Cultural Equity: A Theoretical Framework for Building Iconic Brands in Globalized Markets.” Review of Marketing Research (Brand Meaning Management), 12, 83-120.

7. Torelli, C. J., Leslie, L., Stoner, J., & Puente, R. (2014) “Cultural Determinants of Status: Implications for Workplace Evaluations and Behaviors” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 123, 34-48.

8.   Torelli, C. J., Carvalho, S., Ozsomer, A., Keh, H. T., & Maehle, N. (2012). "Brand Concepts as Representations of Human Values: Do Cultural Congruity and Compatibility between Values Matter?," Journal of Marketing, 76 (July), 92-108.

9.    Torelli, C. J. & Alhuwalia R. (2012). “Extending Culturally Symbolic Brands: A Blessing or a Curse?,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38(5), 933-947.

10.   Torelli, C. J., Basu-Monga S., & Kaikati, A. (2012). “Doing Poorly by Doing Good: Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Concepts,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38(5), 948-963.

11.    Torelli, C. J., Chiu, C.-Y., Tam, K.-p., Au, A. K. C., & Keh, H. T. (2011). “Exclusionary Reactions to Foreign Cultures: Effects of Simultaneous Exposure to Cultures in Globalized Space,” Journal of Social Issues, 67 (4), 716-742.

12.   Chiu, C. Y., Gries, P., Torelli, C. J., & Cheng, S. (2011). “Toward a Social Psychology of Globalization,” Journal of Social Issues, 67 (4), 663-676.

13.   Torelli, C. J. & Shavitt, S. (2011). “The Impact of Power on Information Processing Depends on Cultural Orientation,”  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 959-967.

14.    Torelli, C. J., & Cheng, S. (2011). “Cultural Meanings of Brands and Consumption: A Window into the Cultural Psychology of Globalization,” Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5, 251-262.

15.   Torelli, C. J. & Shavitt, S. (2010). “Culture and Concepts of Power,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(4), 703-723.

16.   Shavitt, S., Torelli, C. J., & Reimer, H. (2010). ”Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism: Implications for Understanding Psychological Processes,” Advances in Culture and Psychology, Volume 1, 309-350.

17.  Viswanathan, M., Torelli, C. J., Yoon, S., & Reimer, H. (2010). “Fish Out of Water”: Understanding Decision-Making And Coping Strategies of English As Second Language Consumers Through A Situational Literacy Perspective,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(6), 524-533.

18.  Wan, C., Torelli, C. J., &  Chiu, C-Y (2010). “Intersubjective Consensus and the Maintenance of Normative Shared Reality,” Social Cognition, 28(3), 422-446.

19.  Shavitt, S., Torelli, C. J., & Wong, J. (2009). "Identity-Based Motivation: Constraints and Opportunities in Consumer Research," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(3), 261-266.

20.  Viswanathan, M., Torelli, C. J., Xia, L, & Gau, R. (2009). “Understanding the Influence of Literacy on Consumer Memory: The Role of Pictorial Elements,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(3), 389-402.

21.  Torelli, C. J. & Kaikati, A. M. (2009). “Values as Predictors of Judgments and Behaviors: The Role of Abstract and Concrete Mindsets,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96 (1), 231-247.

22.  Torelli, C. J. (2006). “Individuality or Conformity? The Effect of Independent and Interdependent Self-Concepts on Public Judgments,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (3), 238-246.

23.  Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A. K., Zhang, J., & Torelli, C. J. (2006). “The Horizontal/Vertical Distinction in Cross-Cultural Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 325-342.

24.  Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., Torelli, C. J., & Lalwani, A. K. (2006). “Reflections on the Meaning and Structure of Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 357-362.

25. Garrett, D.E., Torelli, C. J., & Gunderson, A.O. (1998). “Toll-free Customer Service Telephone Lines: Are They Accessible for Spanish-Speaking Consumers?,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 11, 159-170.

Book Chapters

1.      Torelli, C. J. & Cheng, S. (forthcoming). “Cultural Symbolism of Brands and Globalization: Implications for Consumer-Brand Relationships,” in Handbook of Culture and Consumer Psychology,” (Ed.) Sharon Ng and Angela Lee.

2.      Torelli, C. J., Keh, H. T., & Chiu, C. Y. (2009). “Cultural Symbolism of Brands,” in “Brands and Brand Management: Contemporary Research Perspectives,” (Ed.) Loken, Barbara, Ahluwalia, Rohini, and Houston, Michael J., Routledge, New York.

3.      Shavitt, S., Lee, A. Y., & Torelli, C. J. (2008). "Cross-Cultural Issues in Consumer Behavior." in the new volume "Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior," edited by M. Wanke (part of the Frontiers of Social Psychology series edited by Kruglanski & Forgas), 217-240.